On 2007 Christmas, my nephew as born. The next February I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I have been to a mental institute 3 times since then. I think just because you have been in a mental institute before, doesn't make you crazy necessarily. But anyways, in December 2008 I met my fiance. I was friends with his sister, who introduced us. It was just after my knee surgery. I have bad knees. They slide off to the side, they call them unstable knee caps. I have had 2 surgeries for those, one on each knee. They put in metal rods, anchors, a cadaver, and stitched up my meniscus. In March 2009 me and him started talking over facebook and myspace. On April 8th, he asked me out. We are engaged since July 2009, and lived with each other since March 2010. Some people think that I am too young to have children, too young to be engaged, too young to be living with my fiance, or even a boyfriend. But I think they are wrong. I am ready to have a kid, a fiance/husband, and i am ready to live with him. I have had 2 miscarriages since October of 2009. The second miscarriage they did the D'n'C and said that the cause of the miscarriage, was "Unknown". I don't know what that means, but I don't like it. I'd rather have a cause, and know how to work with it. If it is unknown, or nothing, then How can I fix things next time? You know? Anyways. I have been talking to my birth dad since I was 17 1/2 and my birth mom since March/April area of 2010. Every Sunday we, me and my fiance, go to my Dads for dinner. Every Saturday, my fiance, goes to his moms for dinner. And every Friday, we go to my birth moms for dinner, along with my nephew and sister.
Since my dad is going to get married, and when me and my fiance get married, and when my sister and her fiance get married. I will have 4 moms, 3 dads, 5 sisters, and 4 brothers.
Shoes can tell a lot about a person. So can their hair style. I am a shoe person. I can wear flip flops one day and high heels the next and then sketchers the next. Which in return tells everyone that I am a open person who likes a lot of variety of things, Basically.
Waiting for my fiance to get back from his moms house. He was suppose to go to the Hunting Safety Course here in town but he left his gun and his bag is gone. I wonder what he put in the bag? I can't wait till he gets home partly because i wanna know why he needed his bag, and left his gun here. And I wanna know why he took my 2006 American Samao Quarter.
I'm sitting here waiting for my fiance to come home, listening to loud music and doing the dishes. I hope he is surprised about the dishes. He is an amazing fiance. You have no idea how lucky I am.